
Monday, January 9, 2012

And so it begins.

Am I really getting married? After 38 years on this earth, many of them spent thinking I would most likely end up loveless, homeless, and eating cat food in my later years, I found my perfect match. So yes, the magic moment arrived, and I am getting married.

My fiance (which I still haven't gotten used to calling him that) proposed on December 17th while we were in New Orleans, on a beautiful, sunny afternoon in Jackson Square. He said he wanted me to be able to point at any photo of the NOLA landmark and say, "There. He proposed to me RIGHT THERE." Sweet, huh?

And so it begins. I have obsessed on Pinterest, spent countless hours on every bridal website I can click on, and I even broke down and bought an armful of bridal magazines. After many beer-fueled conversations with my fiance - which from this point on I will call "Mr. Dynamite" since the word fiance really weirds me out - we have created a vision. A crazy, unconventional, DIY, shoestring budget vision. I can't say I know exactly what I'm doing, but I feel relatively confident that we can pull this whole wedding thing off.

We'll see. Wedding, AHOY!

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